Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the truth about burmese people (part 1.)

I’ve had enough. I really have. You may well be wondering why I have not updated my posts in months and months. I have the answer to that right here in two words: BURMESE PEOPLE. They drive me up the wall and I’m just about ready to move continents and go somewhere where there are no Burmese. Switzerland perhaps? Lucky bastards...

You may think that I am over reacting and that I’m either making this up or being a drama queen. Whatever. This is how it is.. I have finally decided to expose the truth about Burmese people here in New Zealand.

Ever since the Burmese refugees have come to New Zealand about ten years ago my life has been miserable. At first I thought that I finally had some of my fellow peeps to talk with but oh how wrong I was. Not only did they bring a massive migraine for me, they have now become the heads of the underbelly of society in Auckland. I have seen things and have witnessed some things that I rather wish I had not.

1. Burmese poker.

No, it is not the fabulous world of poker faces that Lady Gaga sings about but instead enter a world where if you’re caught cheating, fingers get cut OFF and if you don’t have the sufficient money, or anything valuable on you to bet with, HOUSES are played for. Normally, people who possess a little thing that we like to call a moral conscience, would in this case at the end of the game would say things like, “No, I’m not taking your house. It’s just a game. You can pay me back later...” and other things like that. But no. At the end of the poker game with Burmese people, the mortgage is signed over with no remorse from the receiver even though he has just accepted the fact that he has just evicted the loser’s entire family from their homes. I thank my luckiest stars that that day I had decided to fold and walked away with my meagre winnings...

There are many many more atrocities that occur in the Burmese community that I will go on to reveal later I promise. Before you think it, yes of course I am ashamed of my people doing such things but I feel that the public deserves to know the truth. And no of course my family is definitely not involved in any of these things. They’re crazy and whacked but not so much that they would bet our fabulous house and sign over our mortgage to just anyone...



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